Monday, February 1, 2010

Going in for surgery

I have been a little stressed about the surgery. Over the weekend Rik and I snapped at each other. He still doesn't feel well from the sinus infection and I was evidently more stressed than I realized.

However, I slept reasonably well last night and got up before the crack of dawn to make and eat breakfast so that I didn't have to fast for as long. A one-egg omelet with sauteed mushrooms, toast and two big glasses of water should stop my tummy from growling too much later on. Imagine if I had gone without eating or drinking from dinner the night before to dinner time today? It would feel like Yom Kippur.

Maybe that's why they make you fast before surgery -- to recreate the feeling of atonement? Nah, it's some medical reason. Still, it gives one cause to think.

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