Monday, June 11, 2007

Platelets behaving badly

Were you guys sending Susan platelet-boosting vibes this weekend? Yeah, me too!

Let's all kick it up a notch because you-know-who's lab results were basically unchanged from last week. Ultra-low numbers mean no chemo, which means the whole process gets stretched out.

According to Susan, Dr. Foreman actually used the word "worried." No one wants to hear that type of language from an oncologist! After hearing that, she was bummed enough to:

a) drown her sorrows with some retail therapy, and

b) call me from Costco to request that I update the blog with this crappy news.

What's really troubling is that this slooooooooow platelet production problem may prevent her from doing an autologous bone marrow transplant. That is, harvesting her own post-chemo cells, zeroing out her white blood cells, and then transplanting her own now-clean cells back into the mix. (Is that mostly right, Suze?)

So...there's a chance she may need to find a bone marrow donor who has the same 12 key markers she does. Sure, CoH will check the national bone marrow registry, but her half-Asian-ness could make finding a match more difficult.

Let's be proactive! For instance, if you have any other half-Caucasian/half-Asian friends, why not start sucking up to them now? In a few months, they may be more than happy to audition to be Susan's donor.

I don't have all the details, but the initial test for donors is just a swipe with a swab on the inside of the cheek. The actual donation process does not take long. I'm sure Susan will give us the full poop.

The good news is that Susan feels great, platelet-challenged as she is. She'll head back to CoH next Monday for another blood test.

Platelets, people. THINK PLATELETS!

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