Sunday, June 24, 2007

Come and Get 'Em - Plums & Apricots Are Ripe

I made this easy-to-prepare apricot and plum clafoutis from a recipe on the Williams Sonoma website for Father's Day. I'd never heard of a "clafoutis" before, but it's a like a French version of the humble cobbler - just a little more refined with brandy mixed in with the fruit and lemon zest added to the batter.

If you'd like to try your hand at a clafoutis, or if you'd like to bite into a freshly picked plum or apricot, please let me know. I'll be home from the hospital on Monday.

Annette, a fellow freecycler who posted that she's looking for apricots and plums, will be coming by on Wednesday to share the bounty. It turns out that she's also a one-year cancer survivor and received her diagnosis when her daughter was just one month old.

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