Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More "Things To Do Before You Die"

A few months ago, I blogged about the current publishing trend of listing things one should see, do, eat or visit before kicking the bucket. Since then, I've had a lot of time to mull over the things I want to do and foods I want to eat before the final chapter of my life.

All of this contemplation has made me realize that I've been tall on talk and short on action. Just yesterday a friend suggested that a group get together at Papadakis Tavern, the plate-smashing, Greek-dancing restaurant in San Pedro. George and I have been talking about crashing China (the dinnerware, not the country) with our friends for more than 20 years. Isn't it time we just did it and found out for ourselves that we weren't missing out on a thing?

And ever since seeing Terrie Silverman (artist-in-residence at Beyond Baroque) and two of her students read their work at an IWOSC Reads Its Own event two years ago, I've talked about taking Terrie's class. I've blathered about working on a monologue and fantasized about one day doing a one-woman show. But I've never moved beyond the stage of attending one-woman shows as "research."

All of that is about to change. A few weeks ago, I received a forwarded email from Terrie. The producer of "The Big C," a June 16 cancer survivor month event at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, was looking for performance pieces. After a few emails with the producer and a meeting with Terrie, I decided to turn "Pole Dancing" into a ten-minute monologue.

Since I didn't know from day to day if I'd be at Hotel Hope, I ultimately had to let The Big C go the way of The Big D. Terrie invited me to participate in her Gorgeous Stories event in Pasadena on June 22, but I'll definitely (or as definitely as my life goes these days) be in the Big House on that day and will, once again, have to pass.

At first, I was a little down about these "lost opportunities," but I soon realized that we live in a town (and a world) with new chances around every corner. An email from IWOSC announced that they're hosting another IWOSC Reads Its Own event on July 15 at Dutton's Bookstore. Terrie will host another Gorgeous Stories event in a few weeks. Who knows if I'll be in or out of the hospital on either of those dates, but the piece is ready (or at least a respectable "work in progress"), the red feather boas are waiting, and I'm practicing "pole dancing" in public, much to the horror of my free-spirited teen.

I know I've asked this question before, but here we go again: What's on YOUR list of things to do, see or eat before you die?

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