Monday, June 6, 2011

Dell M102Z laptop gaming, trendy, fitur melimpah ada di

Dell M102Z laptop gaming, trendy, fitur melimpah ada di – Spesifikasi laptop untuk bermain game yang bagus tidak perlu mahal - mahal tetapi yang penting adalah bagaimana spesifikasi laptop tersebut masuk dalam permintaan game yang akan kita mainkan nanti. Jika keadaan uang anda sedang menipis banyak pilihan laptop dengan harga yang murah, tetapi harga yang murah tersebut harus diimbangi dengan performance yang baik juga. Untuk laptop bagus, imut dan murah bisa anda jatuhkan pilihan kepada Dell M102Z. Dell M102Z merupakan laptop gaming yang menggunakan processor AMD E350, dukungan memori 2 GB DDR3, serta kartu grafis AMD Radeon HD 6310 merupakan pilihan yang tepat bagi anda yang menginginkan laptop gaming, trendy, dan fitur melimpah. Dell M102Z menggunakan layar 11.6 inch dengan teknologi LED yang terasa lebih nyaman dari netbook sejenis berukuran 10 inch. Untuk sekedar menonton film, saya rasa lebih dari cukup untuk segmen netbook ini. Selain mempunyai fitur melimpah, Dell M102Z juga merupakan laptop trendy dengan pilihan warna pink, merah, hitam, dan biru yang cukup memikat hati. Dell M102Z terlihat cukup besar dan bentuk sedikit lebih tebal di bagian belakang. Dari segi material, netbook ini berbahan halus dengan semi-glossy yang berarti akan terasa sedikit lengket jika anda menggunakan dalam waktu yang lama. Dell M102Z memiliki keunggulan dari segi ketahanan battery. Untuk sekedar browsing dan aktivitas normal laptop ini sanggup bertahan sekitar 5 jam.

Berikut adalah spesifikasi lengkap Dell M102Z :
  • Memori Standar 2 GB DDR3
  • Resolusi Max. 1366 x 768
  • Display Technology LED Backlight
  • Hard Drive Type 320 GB
  • Wireless Network Protocol IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
  • Card Reader Provided 3 in 1 Media Card Reader
  • Interface Provided 3x USB 2.0, LAN, Audio, Bluetooth, Webcamera
  • Standard Warranty 1-year Limited Warranty Parts by Authorized Distributor
  • Berat 1.7
  • O/S Provided Ubuntu 10.04
  • Prosesor AMD Brazos E350 (1,6GHz)
  • Ukuran Layar 11.6 inch
  • Video Type AMD Radeon HD6310
Dell M102Z sendiri bisa dibeli secara online di dengan harga Rp 3.600.000. Atau jika anda ingin melihat produk - produk Dell lainnya dapat langsung mendatangi toko - toko Indokom yang berada di :
  • Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Ruko Satria Plaza Blok A1
    Telepon : (0281) 621700, 632500
    Fax : (0281) 634100
  • ·Jl. Overste Isdiman No. 25 Purwokerto
    Telepon : (0281) 634000
    Fax : (0281) 627009
  • Jl. A. Yani No. 77 Cilacap
    Telepon : (0282) 534000
    Fax : (0282) 535100
  • Jl. May. Jend. Sutoyo No. 14 Tegal
    Telepon : (0283) 343500
    Fax : (0283) 343600

Saturday, June 4, 2011


just a few of my favorite views around the new apartment:

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kitchen window looking out into a vacant lot, which is actually a rare wonderful thing.

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growing up I had a very gender-neutral bedroom of yellow walls and blue carpet. I have been repairing the damage ever since.

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found on the subway, keepin it just in case. magnet is my grandmother's old, it says "never too thin" but I think the bear has body dysmorphic disorder.

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and yours truly trying to bear the humidity.

oh yes... I am feeling much better, save for a few aches and pains. I made an apt. with my local planned parenthood though, which does cervical/pap screenings for sliding scale fees, just to make sure everything's nothing. if you know what I mean.

p.s. I really wish this blog was formatted for big beautiful pictures!

Summer research project

So I'm going to see the New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys NEXT MONTH, people! Actually, they're now officially called NKOTBSB, which I realize would technically translate to "New Kids on the Backstreet Boys", but I think those of us who love them are choosing to ignore that.

Anyway, I'm realizing that the concert is NEXT MONTH, and I still know nothing about the Backstreet Boys. I found the set list for the concert online, and I didn't recognize half of the Backstreet Boys' songs. It was only a few months ago that I discovered that two of their songs -- the one that goes "Back ... street's ... back ... all right!" and then the one that goes, "All you people, can't you see, can't you see ..." -- were not, in fact, the exact same song.

I don't even know the names of the individual Backstreet Boys. My friend Abigail said, "Isn't one of them named Howie?"

HA HA HA! Right! "Howie"! That's funny!!

It turns out that one of them is, indeed, named "Howie." This guy:

In his defense, he doesn't look like a Howie. And I guess he's now my favorite Backstreet Boy since he's the only one whose name I know. At least I'll be able to scream, "HOOOOWIE!" and blend in with the crowd.

My goal for the next six weeks is to learn the names of all of the Backstreet Boys. It's going to be rough, but I think I can do it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Arrivals

1. Dogfish Head Squall IPA 750ml (in my opinion, this is Dogfish's best hoppy beer)
2. Robert Johnson's Hellhound on my Ale 750ml
3. Sah'Tea 750ml
4. Ballast Point Sculpin 22oz.
dave hauslein
beer manager

pirate day


I've been running a low grade fever since Tuesday night. My nose runs constantly (but that could be due to the Avastin, which causes nose bleeds, and there is usually a little blood on my tissue). My temperature hovers around 99 degrees Fahrenheit, and has gone up to 100.5, the point at which I am supposed to call the doctor.

By the time I spoke to Nurse Jacque yesterday (when my temp hit 100.5 during the morning), it had already gone down more than a degree. She told me to take my temperature regularly, and if it should peak to 100.5 or higher and stay there for a couple of hours, I should call her. A steady temperature of 100.5 or higher is likely a sign of infection, and might occasion a hospital stay.

I think I probably picked up something while at Folklife. Two of the Dunavites are sick as well, but of course for me it's more serious than a spring cold. Being exposed to others, like walking in a crowd, puts me at a greater risk for catching something than the average person. But I went to Folklife because it was so important to me to sing with Dunava. I tried not to get too close to people, and if I picked up something, I hope I can manage it at home.

Meanwhile I am taking my temperature every hour or so.....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Release

We are happy to announce the arrival of Iron Springs's excellent new J.C. Flyer IPA! Come get some.
dave hauslein
beer manager

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back to that "new normal"

I actually felt so well on Tuesday that I was able to drive the car; attend a morning meeting and be focused and present for the discussion; run an errand to the dry cleaner and go grocery shopping. That represents a HUGE improvement over the past ten days, when I could barely move my sorry ass off the couch, and needed rides to everything. The shingles are showing a good response to the treatment, but their presence will prevent me from modeling at the Gilda's Club fashion show on Friday. It's too bad, but always better to protect the health of the other models who have compromised immune systems. The third time was not the charm, I'm afraid.

Still no word on whether the chemo combo is doing anything for the cancer. I anticipate getting my tumor markers checked again, maybe as soon as next Monday.

I was truly tired after all the running around yesterday, and noticed that my feet hurt. Not just hurt like I was tired of standing, but numb and tingly all around my toes on each foot. I think this is more neuropathy from the chemo combo. I reported it to Dr G's nurse and was told I could increase the gabapentin up to 900 mg three times a day, which is quite a bit more than I am taking now. It should help with the neuropathy pain.

I also ran some errands today. Went to Dr G's office for a shot of Neulasta to build my white blood cells, then drove north to exchange a pair of shoes (size 8.5 bought at Northgate Mall) to the size 8 (only at Alderwood Mall). I was fine with all that highway driving too.

My nose is a little runny, with a tendency to bleed (that's the Avastin), I am constipated (from the gabapentin), and I've run a very low grade fever of 99.2 degrees for the past the nights. I may be coming down with a something, and so plan to take it easy tomorrow and just go to my support group. They need to hear Jill's great shingles story.

Healthy Spirits: Shipping Program

Hello Everyone,
We are taking a break from our shipping program while we figure out some details. Thank you for your patience.


dave hauslein
beer manager

tmi know.

You should skip this post.

I'm really only writing this down because I want to keep an accurate log of my symptoms and random health hiccups. It's scary not having health insurance here. I knew it would be.

Sunday- started feeling nauseous, fatigued, with painful stomach cramps. Fever of 100, chills and sweats throughout the night.
Monday and Tues- painful abdomen cramps, trouble digesting, aches and fatigue, dry heaving, frequent diarrhea that looks like bile. Bladder discomfort, as if I'm getting a uti. Monday night- I notice vaginal bleeding. fever goes down.
Weds- no shit, I think I have my period for the first time in three years. Not just spotting, but painful, thick bleeding. All other symptoms lingering but much better. Sharp flares of pain in my ovaries.

I have no clue what's going on here. It felt much like the stomach flu, but cleared up fast and resulted in menstruation (?). Did I eat a bad empanada or something? I get painful abdomen cramps and nausea frequently, supposedly from radiation scar tissue, but it's usually linked to hard-to-digest foods and goes away after a few hours.

I'm kinda thinking I should see an obgyn just in case. hm. Find a free service here, or wait til August when I fly back for my scans?

what is my body trying to tell me?

Healthy Spirits: Cantillon (Please Read Carefully)

We just received a VERY LIMITED supply of Cantillon.

1. Gueuze 750ml
2. Rose De Gambrinus 750ml
3. Cuvee Des Champions 750ml

Bottles are LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER. Beer Club members may reserve over the phone, but this is one of the rare exceptions when the club discount does not apply. For everyone else, bottles are behind the counter, and will not be stocked on the shelves. They are available by request only.


dave hauslein
beer manager

Healthy Spirits: Bruery Coton

Just scored another case of this barrel aged old ale from The Bruery. It's on the shelves now. Come and get it!
dave hauslein
beer manager

Healthy Spirits: FW Parabola (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

Hello Everyone,
We just got a very small allocation of Firestone Walker PARABOLA. Bottles are limit 2 per customer, only Beer of the Month Club members may have bottles held for them. Members should make reservations BY PHONE ONLY. This is the only way we can guarantee your reservation. The number is 415-255-0610.
For non members, bottles will be behind the counter and available by request only. You will have to ask for them, as they will not be stocked on the shelves.
I realize these small releases can be frustrating. The bottle limits and by request only policy should help to ensure everyone gets a fair shot at this. Good luck everyone.
dave hauslein
beer manager

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time to parler that Frainch

The New York Times says that we're better organized and more focused if we speak two languages. There’s a system in your brain, the executive control system. It’s a general manager. Its job is to keep you focused on what is relevant, while ignoring distractions. It’s what makes it possible for you to hold two different things in your mind at one time and switch between them, cognitive neuroscientist Ellen Bialystok told the Times.

--illustration from here

The catch is you must be truly bilingual--and not just put in a mot here and there. Bilinguals staved off Alzheimer's for four or five years, and they were better able to multi-task. You can argue that multi-tasking is our problem, that we need to breathe, slow down and do one thing at a time, rather than two things a la fois. I am so happy when I'm speaking French. Should I strive to become truly bilingual? And in French rather than Spanish, which more of my fellow Americans speak? But for those of you who are thinking of speaking another language more often or studying another language--vas-y!

I had trouble finding a good bilingual image. Let me know if you have some better ones.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pain relief

I finally got adequate pain relief today. While waiting to get Avastin and Abraxane, the current chemo combo, I spoke on the telephone with Dr G. He decided to treat me with Lidoderm (lidocaine trasndermal5% topical patches. These are patches that distribute medication directly through your skin. The fentanyl patches are similar.

The wonderful pharmacist at the Cancer Institute, Lanny (I don't know how to spell his name), walked over to deliver the box of 30 patches to me. Our insurance coverage through Premera charged only $20 for this medication. I put one on in the middle of treatment at Dr G's request to see how well it might work while I was still in the chemo chair. Evidently the Lidoderm works extremely well, because Rik and I had a busy afternoon.

We went to the new Skillet Diner for lunch. It was not as good as I had hoped. My hamburger, ordered medium with a specific request for pink on the inside, not red, arrived overcooked and dry. There are few chances to eat poutine in Seattle, and I always jump at the chance (and am usually disappointed). Poutine is three things: fried potatoes, gravy and fresh squeaky cheese curds. The fries were terrific! The gravy, made with chicken stock, had plenty of herbs. But given that the local Beecher's makes really good cheese curds, I was disappointed to find melted cheddar cheese on Skillet's poutine. Maybe they think Seattleites don't know or care about authentic poutine?

Here's a shot of my poutine.
At least it came as a side to the burger and so wasn't an enormous helping.
After lunch, we picked up some bagels at Eltana. A tragedy was averted just in time -- we had run out of bagels this morning!

Nordstrom was having their half-yearly sale for women, and I really wanted to stop by while I had Rik to drive me. I did find a cute pair of black flats at a really good price. They might be a half-size too big, though, and I'd have to go to Alderwood Mall to find the smaller size. I will wait and see. Of course, while we were at the mall, I shlepped Rik into Macy's where there was also a sale, and I picked up a summer belt patterned in small squares of colors and a new purse, again in multiple colors patchworked together. It was a lot of shopping, but Rik was gracious about taking me, and I found such lovely things at good prices. Rik is the one who found the purse, and it is truly a keeper!

We came home and I watered the garden (we had two days of sunshine in a row!) while Rik mowed the lawn. Then I made us dinner of spinach and mushroom enchiladas suizas, rice and sliced fresh mango.

It's now after 9 PM and I am done for the night. I just took off the 12 mcg Fentanyl patch (it had been on for 72 hours) and removed today's Lidoderm patches. It hurt to remove them!, but we will see if I maintain good pain control overnight with the bedtime doses of valacyclovir and gabapentin. I will report to Dr G that I removed the small dose Fentanyl patch.

It felt totally terrific to be this busy for the first time in a week. I haven't cooked a meal in more than five days, ran an errand or driven the car in more than a week, or even been off the sofa this much in ten days. I know I may have overdone things (that's the trouble with pain patches, you feel good so you don't realize you do still have pain and it's easy to do too much). I may pay the price tomorrow, but there is only one item on my agenda, and I can do it from home if need be.

Time for a good night's sleep!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Folklife update

I hada wonderful time at Folklife today. As I read in this morning's Seattle Times, one of the highlights to look for today was Radost. (Too bad for Radost fans that the newspaper got the time wrong, but it was not printed correctly in the Folklife schedule, and I assume that's where they got the information.)

Although we arrived 90 minutes before the set began, there was no time allocated for a sound check for Orkestar RTW and Dunava (I guess we weren't as important as some of the other groups). We did our own rehearsing, dancers, singers and musicians together, in the large amphitheatre-type room we were  assigned to for a dressing room. Then as we were called to places, waiting in the stage right wing, someone said, "This is what it's supposed to be like." It was a perfectly true sentiment, and sadly, only those of us who had performed in large ensembles could relate to it.

Our first number went off without a hitch, despite no sound check. Dunava actually opened the entire all-Bulgarian concert with our powerful rendition of Zheni me mamo and Sevedelino malaj mome. In the hour between our first and second sets, I went outside for a late lunch with two other Dunavites. The concert had already begun, and there were more than 100 people standing in line.

After an hour or so we performed our second set. This piece had even more resonance of "the way it's supposed to be." The dancers flew around the stage, we sang with great verve, and the musicians were whisking us all away. I simply couldn't resist the impulse to yip throughout the piece. Yipping with excitement was a signature part of my performance experience. The full house was very dark, but I could see the reflection of the dancers in the light booth's glass windows.

It was an emotional moment for me. I teared up over the excitement of sharing the stage with all of Radost, remembering when it was me flying through the air, and yet still performing this ethnic material I love.

All in all it was a long day, and I hit the "wall" and had to go home to crash. Much as I wanted to go to the big Balkan dance tonight, I was too pooped to do so. Remember, I asked to be able to perform at Folklike, not participate in all its other aspects. And perform I did, and well too, I hope.

Photos coming soon, I promise. Tomorrow is chemo day, and if I am feeling well enough, I will download the images Rik took and post a few pics.


Just a really quick note to say that I still have hair. Indeed, I still have all, if not most, of my newly curly hair. Every day in the shower as I rub shampoo or conditioner around my head, I notice that a more hairs appear on my hands than usual -- maybe 20 hairs each time I rub my scalp. All the popular sites (i.e. not medical ones) say that the average person loses up to 100 hairs per day. Still, I do not appear to be losing much hair to the Abraxane and hope that if anything hair-oriented has to happen, my hair will thin but I won't lose it all.

This popular eHow site says this about hair loss for the average person:

How Much Hair Does the Average Person Lose a Day?
By Lexa W. Lee, eHow Contributor

As your hair grows, you routinely shed it. The average person loses up to to 100 hairs a day. Normally, new hair grows to replace what you lose.

Growth and Loss 
A single hair typically grows less than half an inch each month, for a total period of a few years. Then it falls out, and new hair replaces it.

Hair Loss Factors 
How much hair you lose each day depends on factors such as how many active hair follicles your scalp has and how fast your hair grows. The more follicles you have and the faster it grows, the more hair you will lose.

Other Factors 
Genetics play a role in hair loss, as does your nutrition, health and stress level.

Reasons for Excess Hair Loss
You may lose more hair than normal (telogen effluvium) due to serious illness, major surgery, inadequate protein intake, childbirth, and medications including antidepressants, retinoids, beta blockers. You may also notice more hair loss from other areas of your body.

Excess Loss Not Permanent 
Excess hair loss usually decreases gradually after the problem is corrected. The amount you lose declines during a six- to eight-month period.

Lexa W. Lee, a writer based in New Orleans, has freelanced for 20 years. Her clients have included WebMD,, "Self", "Central Nervous System News", "Journal of Naturopathic Medicine," and She has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Reed College, a naturopathic medical degree from National College of Naturopathic Medicine, and was a postdoctoral researcher in immunology.

More on Folklife Saturday

I was sorry not to attend Dunava's special workshop with Tzvetanka yesterday, but my afternoon dose of painkillers (even taken early, at 330 PM) did NOTHING to address my pain. I would not have been able to sit down, much less concentrate on singing, just like my experience on Friday night at our rehearsal with Tzvwtanka, and those were songs I knew ALREADY!

I remember I said to Dr G my goal was to perform at Folklife. He said the same. I never mentioned the workshop, the big concert that continues for several hours after we perform, or Sunday night's  Balkan dance. In my experience, you get what you put out to the universe. I probably should have mentioned the other things, but I didn't want to overload my requests to the system.

I basically got into my pajamas Saturday afternoon and tried to ignore my pain. I have to come up with a better daytime pain management plan. I slept well last night (of course I took a dose of gabapentin at bedtime), but there was a big gap of pain coverage yesterday between 3 and 11 PM. Maybe I should call my doc today at home instead of waiting for when I talk to him during Monday's chemo.

I would like to be able to stay for the rest of this afternoon's Bulgarian concert, and I would like to dance at the big Balkan dance tonight. .... sigh ....

Saturday, May 28, 2011


We had a great time at the NW Folklife Festival this afternoon. I woke up at 7 AM feeling fine, took some gebapentin for pain control and some valacyclovir, then went back to sleep. We got up for real at 9:00. After a big waffle breakfast, Rik walked the dog for his usual Saturday two miles while I got ready for the Dunava performance.

We had a quick run-through in the Center House lobby and were in place back stage early. Our guest artist was late and so even though we thought we could start our set early, we ended up beginning right on time and had so much material that we ended up cutting one song. (Folklife is sticky about starting and ending on time.) The audience was very responsive and I think it was a good performance. I will try to post some video Rik shot.

After our set, I was very hungry for lunch. We met up with friends and decided everyone should get their own favorite food and gather on the International Fountain to eat. Rik and I ended up with Indian food from a restaurant we often go to (but we're not sure it's the same place, so I don't want to say the name). I had chicken masala over rice and salad with plenty of  extra sauce on the side. Rik enjoyed a chicken kebab over rice. Prices at the food booths have definitely gone up over the years - each plate came to $8, and Rik's mango lemonade was $3.

We caught up with friends in the sunshine, talking about shingles, gamma knife treatment, and other and sundry physical health issues. Then the women decided to shop before getting dessert.

We browsed through most of the market. C bought shoes; Rik and C bought a Folklife t-shirt; G looked for a cool pair of earrings but no dice. As we parted company (some to stay and dance, others to crash), Rik and I noticed three hatters in one general area. I bought a terrific rusty brown raffia hat which is size adjustable. I think it will be prefect for shul this summer. My dessert was a chocolate mousse crepe with caramel sauce and whipped cream; Rik got a friut smoothie.

I had taken the next dose of pain meds and antivirals at 3 PM. Even so, I was completely steeped in pain and cancelled on the 4-6 PM workshop we had with our guest artist from Bulgaria. There is no way I could have learned new music while feeling uncontrolled pain.

Perhaps I am being overly sympathetic to my doctor, but I don't feel that this is enough of an issue to disturb his Shabbat rest. I will take the third doses of everything at bedtime,  which should give me a good night's sleep. If Sunday's pain is again unmanageable around 3 PM, I can call Dr G's answering service. Plus I will speak with him on Monday when I go in for treatment. You can be sure I will report these afternoon tough spots and ask for an increase in the gabapentin (neurological pain med).

Tomorrow's schedule includes showing up on time for the Radost concert sound check and being ready to sing at 3 PM. Dunava opens the show with two very short Bulgarian songs; then we accompany the Radost dancers for one number. About an hour later, we accompany the dancers for a second number. Given how I feel this afternoon, I think I will end up at home Sunday afternoon; maybe call Dr G to get his take on pain; and if I feel better, come back for the big Balkan dance Sunday night. This is a perpetual favorite dance and I will forward to seeing friends from all over at it. Hopefully I will see them tomorrow!

in translation

The cancer centre has implemented something new. When patients check in for treatment, we're asked to fill out a questionnaire related to our well-being (it has some acronym but I can't remember it). We're given the option of filling it in on a central computer but I'm really squeamish about germy public terminals. I always ask to fill the thing in manually (furthering my feeling that I am more of a Luddite than some of my seniors).

Filling out the form involves reading statements such as "I am in pain" and then circling a number between 1 (no pain) and 7 (excruciating pain - or something like that). Most of my numbers were very low except for the ones about my emotional well being and sleep habits. My answers resulted in the following conversation with the well-meaning nurse who checked me in for treatment:

"You're depressed. Why?"

"I'm just a little blue. Five years of doing this is a long time." (Translation: "I'm pissed off and fed up and I have survivors' guilt.") 

"I'm seeing someone at the psychosocial oncology centre." (Translation: "I don't want to talk about it with you, in front of the all the strangers in the room"). 

"The crisis is over and now it's all hitting me." (Translation: "I think I have PTSD. Did I mention that I'm pissed off and fed up?")

Next time, I'm stuffing the damn form into the bottom of my purse.

Friday, May 27, 2011

New and In Stock: St. Feuillien and Green Flash Collaboration

New in stock: St. Feuillien and Green Flash Biere De L'Amitie Collaboration Ale
Back in stock: The Bruery Trade Winds and Orchard White, Grand Teton Lost Continent, Allagash Victor and Victoria

kitchen conversation (he's so, so right)

My spouse (after listening to lengthy rant #342 yesterday): "Not to excuse that person's bad behaviour, but a lot of things piss you off these days."

Me: "True."

Spouse: "Oh! We forgot to put the compost out!"

Me: (String of expletives, unprintable in a blog my children might read).

Spouse (Meaningful silence)

Then we both burst out laughing.

I need to get some perspective.

But at least I can still laugh at myself.

Gilda's Club Fashion Show

I will model at the Gilda's Club fashion show next week. I've been active at Gilda's Club Seattle for about eight years and am a Friday yoga regular. Please consider attending or supporting this very worthy cause with a donation. 

Fashion Show Invite
Tables of 10 are $1,500... single tickets are $150.  Put a group together for an afternoon to remember!  
14th Annual Fashion Show & Luncheon
DATE:June 3, 2011
TIME:11:30am - 1:30pm
LOCATION: The Westin Seattle ::MAP
MORE:Visit our website for more
information or to purchase tickets
Featured Models
Magarita Andrijic :: Judi Best :: Kathy Burdick :: Delaney Clark :: Jill Cohen :: Sara Cottrell :: Louisa Cryan :: Stacy Eckert :: Jaymee Espinueva :: Steffanie Fain :: Carol Gaouette :: Doneen Jasman :: Jesse Jones :: Victoria Kemery :: Amy Lanum :: Joanie Mass :: Camari Olson :: Norma Phillips :: Mario Prieto :: Pete & Jill Robertson :: Sherrill Slichter :: Lucho Singh :: Mike Walter :: Reba Weiss :: Jenni Whitney

Boutiques Scheduled to SWS FlowerAppear
Alexandra's :: Barneys New York :: Betty Lin :: Brooks Brothers :: Catherine's Plus Sizes :: Champagne Taste :: Eileen Fisher :: Endless Knot :: Jack Straw :: Karan Dannenberg :: La Belle  Elaine's Bridal :: Mario's :: Opal :: Papillon :: Piazza Sempione :: Ragamoffyn's Road :: Rottles :: Sears :: Tatters :: THE FINERIE :: Via Lago

Thursday, May 26, 2011

book club

I'm blogging more because I have no one to talk to here.

spending my nights in quiet solitude, which is so refreshing after living at the beach house and never having a minute to myself.

finished Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther and collected poems

now starting the Bell Jar again... this is perhaps the 5th or 6th time I've read it (typical, right?). I figure it's fitting for a lonely summer in New York. The only other book I've read as many times (once a year practically) is Jens Peter Jacobson's "Neils Lyhne", although I think I've grown out of his idealism.

I didn't have the energy or concentration to read during treatment, which is partially why we wanted to make a comic book. It's easy on the chemo-brain :)

have you read anything good lately?

oh yeah... my birthday is in 2 days; I will be the ripe old age of 26.

generation gap

On Tuesday, as I waited at the Heart Institute for my regular echocardiogram, I had the following brief conversation with the older gentleman sitting beside me.

Me: Is that a Playbook?

Him: I don't play! This is an ipad!

Me: Oh. I was just curious about the Blackberry version of the tablet.

Him  (scornfully): Do you have a Blackberry?

Me: I do.

I didn't bother explaining that I don't find touch screens to be intuitive and that I prefer an actual keyboard for sending emails and texting. Instead, I pulled out my knitting, thus eradicating all doubt that I was the Luddite in our conversation.


Believe it or not, this is good news!

I called Dr G this morning about a rash that appeared overnight on my leg and he said to come in before the MRI scheduled for this afternoon. One look, that's all it took -- shingles!

When combined with the kind and spread of pain I'd been complaining about all week, the appearance of red vesicles (rash) enabled him to out all the pieces together. He immediately cancelled the MRI and started me on valacyclovir and gabapentin.

It will take quite a few days for the infection to clear up and perhaps longer for the pain to reduce. Gabapentin will also make me tired and I shouldn't operate machinery (i.e. drive a car) while taking it. I will stay on the fentanyl patches also, since one is supposed to increase the gabapentin slowly to a maximum of three per day.

I had chicken pox as a child and the odds favor that I have carried it around in my body ever since. There's little doubt low immune counts from the chemo caused me to be more susceptible to a flare up. That's also why I couldn't have the shingles vaccination. It's a live virus vaccine and would have put me at risk to develop shingles, which I did anyway.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website says,

Shingles cannot be passed from one person to another. However, the virus that causes shingles, the varicella zoster virus, can be spread from a person with active shingles to a person who has never had chickenpox. In such cases, the person exposed to the virus might develop chickenpox, but they would not develop shingles. The virus is spread through direct contact with fluid from the rash blisters, not through sneezing, coughing or casual contact.
A person with shingles can spread the virus when the rash is in the blister-phase. A person is not infectious before blisters appear. Once the rash has developed crusts, the person is no longer contagious.
Shingles is less contagious than chickenpox and the risk of a person with shingles spreading the virus is low if the rash is covered.

So I will cover my rash, swallow the huge valacyclovir pills (1 gram, the size of my thumb!), and hope the gabapentin controls the pain soonest, plus remember that shingles is NOT MORE CANCER.

New oddities

Bobka the dog perched on my right leg for about 20 minutes last night while I was relaxing before heading off to choir rehearsal. When he got up, the skin felt numb and it's stayed so throughout the day today. In addition, I noticed some small, red dots in a circular pattern in two locations on my right thigh. I called Dr G's office this morning and he is going to squeeze me in for a physical exam before today's scheduled MRI.

Again, we can't do anything to address brain mets until we get the pain under control.

This really sucks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Tornado Story

If you grow up in the Midwest, sooner or later you earn your own "tornado story." Here's my tornado story: When I was exactly one month old, a tornado hit Omaha. My parents lived in a trailer park at the time, so my mom threw me into the car (probably literally, because nobody knew about car seats in the Olden Times) and we raced to my great-grandmother's house and hid in her basement.

Here's Jay's tornado story: He and his dad went to see "Return of the Jedi" at the movie theater. The tornado sirens went off, so the theater owners stopped the movie, and everyone had to walk across the street to a bar and go down to the basement. I don't know if any of the adults took advantage of being in a bar. I would've.

And now, here's WCK's very own tornado story, recorded here for endless re-tellings: Today was the kindergarten field trip to the Kansas City Zoo. It started raining a little bit, so our group went into the lion building to eat our sack lunches. By the time we were done, it was raining a little more. And thundering. And then the tornado sirens went off. A zoo official came by and told us we couldn't stay in the lion building, because it wasn't safe. I guess that makes sense, because one wall was made entirely of glass, and there were, well, two lions on the other side. He told us we needed to get to the "boathouse", and he made it sound like it was just around the corner. It was not. Like everything in the Kansas City Zoo, it was far, far away. (Official Kansas City Zoo Motto: "You'll walk five miles between each animal, or your money back!") So we went out into the rain, and we ran. I'm glad I'm in halfway decent shape, because we ran and ran and ran, through the rain and the thunder and the lightning, with kindergartners screaming the entire way. Finally we made it to the shelter, which was crammed with people, and we waited out the storm for about 45 minutes. When we got the all-clear, we emerged into the sunshine, and everything was fine.

There is is. WCK's own tornado story. I'm glad she has one now, but I hope she never gets another one.

my heart soars on the streets of Brooklyn

So, I am here, fucking finally, after 2 years of failed planning, doubt, and illness getting in my way. I mean, it's still in my way, but from now on I'm going to be that rude bitch on the street that just elbows past it, never even looking back or apologizing, because I HAVE SOMEWHERE I NEED TO BE. So there.

(It's taken me a very long time to get to this point.)

I've had a lot going on lately. A documentary crew, which I am forbidden to speak of, has been following me since late April. They even filmed my flight here with iceman. It's incredibly surreal and exhausting to be "on" 24/7. I'm doing this because I hope people will benefit from it in the same way as this blog; here is a girl you can relate to, whose had struggle and suffering and pain and is somehow stubborn enough to keep pursuing a dream, and most importantly, willing to let you into her life. Seriously, everyone is welcome. I invite you all to share my life with me. I feel it would be a waste if I didn't share it.

My health is stable right now. I'm currently on an oxycontin/codone regimen that works well enough. I'm not pain free, but I can get out of bed in the mornings. It does make me drowsy & I'm trying to get an rx for Nuvigil, which my doc said would combat the fatigue. Has anyone tried this? I worry that I won't have the stamina to work the normal 8-12 hour days required in the fashion industry. We'll see... I need to secure a JOB first, a task I am finding heartbreakingly difficult so far.

Keep trying, keep working, keep moving. Keep your chin up, kid. Many, many artists and writers that I admire struggled with countless rejections and few published works during their lifetime. The shared human experience is surprisingly consistent.

The comic is going well, I have left Jon with all of the final illustrations and we are preparing to finally send out backer prizes, yay! We are planning to release the 1st issue in conjunction with the airing of this "documentary series" who's name we dare not mention.

What else? I'm enjoying the beautiful weather and my working body, walking right foot, left foot, cognizant that I might not have the chance someday. Happy despite great faults. Hopeful to nurture new friendships and meet kindred spirits. and stuff.

I like you too

that pretty much sums it up.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pain update

Yesterday Dr G put me on 50 mcg fentanyl patch and 10 mg Torodol every 6 hours. This did not control my pain well enough and I call his office several times throughout the day, asking for suggestions on better pain management. Finally at about 6:30 PM he called me and changed the dosages to 100 mcg fentanyl patch, 10 mg Torodol every 3 hours and added 1 mg Ativan every 6 hours. Other than making me woozy, we hope this will control the breakthrough pain. It's been 45 minutes since I made the changes and am still waiting for pain relief. However, the Ativan is giving me a nice buzz.

I had to write down the dosing schedule to be sure I get it right this evening. My goal is to get the pain under control so I can sing with my choir this weekend at our two performances. That's Dr G's goal too. It's always good to be on the same page with your doc.

For those who live in the greater Seattle area, check out my choir Dunava at the NW Folklife Festival:

Saturday 5/28 at 12:50 PM in the Center House Theatre. Get there early to find seats, it's a small venue and we are the second or third group in the set.

Sunday 5/29 at 3 PM. We open the all Bulgarian concert with the Radost Folk Ensemble and Orkestar RTW. Again, arrive early to get good seats.

You can also hear Dunava on last year's limited edition CD, Roots and Branches: Live from the 2010 Folklife Festival. Copies will be for sale at the Folklife Store, in the Fidalgo Room at the corner of Republican Street and First Ave N, by the Key Arena.

Traveling for Breast Reconstruction - Help with Travel and Accommodation Costs

A growing number of breast cancer patients are now choosing to travel for their care, particularly for some of the more advanced breast reconstruction procedures. Insurance may cover the health care expenses but the cost of the hotel and air fare falls on the patient.

Now, some patients may qualify for financial assistance to cover these extra expenses thanks to two special programs:

Assistance with Air Travel Expenses

The American Cancer Society (ACS) Air Miles program is a joint effort between Mercy Medical Airlift (MMA)/National Patient Travel Helpline (NPATH) and the American Cancer Society. The program is designed to help patients with the cost of air fare when traveling for cancer-related treatment. Please call the ACS at (800) 227-2345 to find out if you are eligible for help with air travel. More information regarding the Air Miles program can be found here.

American Cancer Society (ACS) Accommodation Program

San Antonio hotels have partnered with the American Cancer Society to offer breast cancer patients accommodation at either low or no charge on a space-available basis. This program is for patients who receive treatment at least 50 miles from their place of residence. One caregiver is welcome to travel with the patient At least two weeks advance notice is usually required. The program only applies to lodging Monday through Thursday. We encourage patients living more than 50 miles from San Antonio to call the American Cancer Society on (877) 227-1618 for more information and to take advantage of this opportunity.

Hope that helps!

Dr C


PRMA Plastic Surgery specializes in advanced breast reconstruction procedures that use the patient's own tissue. Procedures offered include the DIEP flap, SIEA flap, GAP flap, and TUG flap reconstruction. We are In-Network for most US insurance plans. Patients are routinely welcomed from across and outside the USA. Connect with other breast cancer reconstruction patients at


Abraxane #3 plus comedy of errors

I was scheduled to have the third dose of Abraxane yesterday. I'd been complaining of low back pain and pain in my right leg all weekend, so on Monday I didn't feel dafe driving myself. What if I had more mets and was in danger of a fracture? I'd already been lucky the first time that I experienced the pathological fracture while at home and not walking the dog, driving the car, or out and about elsewhere.

So Rik drove me and I arrived extra early at 8 AM (for my 9:30 lab appointment). The lab saw me pretty quickly, but again there was a computer problem with the orders Dr G wrote and "signed" electronically while I was sitting in the room with him. The SCI nurse called his office more than a few times; his staff paged him but he didn't answer; and in the end it was almost 1 PM before they could start any of the treatment. Thankfully my friend T was there to keep me company the whole time. We got some lovely borscht and pieroshkies for lunch and eventually I got everything: Decadron the steroid, Zofran for nausea and Abraxane.

In the middle of all this I was of course still in pain. On Sunday I had taken the maximum permitted amount of Vicodin with really limited pain relief. On Monday to took two Vicodin at 8:30 Am and two more at 1:30 PM but the pain only got worse. Dr G wrote orders for morphine but I recalled that morphiine didn't help too much with pain last summer. So I ended up taking intravenous Dilaudid. Between that and a hot compress, my back pain soon eased.

The Dilaudid made feel both loopy and me nauseous and I vomited several times by the time I finished the Abraxane. So I got some Ativan for the nausea. T gave me a ride to Dr G, who wanted to see me about the pain issue. (Thankfully no vomiting in the car.) Rik met us there.

I explained all the Dr G and he sent me off for immediate spinal xrays. Given that it was 5 PM by this point and he couldn't reach an in-house radiologist, he viewed the films himself. There is an ambivalent area in my sacraum (where we already know I have mets). My pain was radiating from the lower right to the right leg and even making the skin tender to the touch, much in the way that pain from the sciatic nerve behaves. So it might be sciatica or it might be mets. Dr G wrote prescriptions for Fentanyl patches and for ketorolac (Toradol), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and we went into the Minor and James pharmacy to get them.

While we were waiting, in runs Dr G. He'd reached a radiologist at Swedish hospital who confirmed that there was no danger of an immediate fracture (which would have been the reason not to send me home). He'd placed a call to my orthopedist, Daniel Flugstad, and promised to contact me today with Flugstad's take on things.

We had a mutual hug fest right there in the pharmacy -- Dr G hugs Rik, Rik hugs me, Dr G and I look tearfully into each other's eyes. No hugging, it's not frumkeit for unrelated men and women to touch outside of the doctor-patient examination. For him, not for me. But the tearful glances of relief more than make up for any lack of hugs.

Rik and I finally arrived home around 6:30 PM. I stuck the first Fentanyl patch on my arm, got undressed, ate a snack and went to bed. With Dilaudid, Ativan, and now Fentanyl in my system, I could barely stand upright. I slept well all night and woke up rested this morning.

And now for the latest news. I still have back pain. I wasn't sure at first, as it's been creeping up on me slowly all morning. I felt fine in the shower, eating breakfast, even walking the dog for a few blocks. But sitting at the computer typing and talking with the health insurance companies about bills, I've notived an increased in pain, even through the FEntanyl. So I took one of the ketorolac pills and will hope that takes care of any breakthrough pain.

I still don't have any more news about an appointment re gamma knife, but Dr G said his staff would take care of it. I learned this morning that Dr G has spoken with Dr Flugstad and am waiting for a call back from him with an update. I will, of course, report this morning's breakthrough pain. I called my primary care physican to keep her posted on all of the hoohah. And I will keep all of you posted as this comedy of errors continues.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The wonders of jagua

Jagua is a fruit-based temporary dye. It is not black henna, which is henna mixed with black hair dye, and can cause all sorts of nasty blistering and infection. No, jagua is no such animal. With a tube of jagua gel (and without using the little pointer tip until the end, because I was too lazy to go upstairs and look for it), I created a medusa on the top of N's new chemo-head. N is getting chemo, then surgery, then radiation. Then more surgery. I mention the lack of pointer tip, because without it, the gel came out too quickly and I think I wasted some jagua. In any case, it took a whole tube to form the medusa and snakes. This is how it looked when I finished:
I was copying freehand from a design and I think I made the medusa too friendly-looking. Here is how N looks from the front:

The pictures were taken when the ink was still wet. When the jagua dries, you peel it off and underneath it's like dark gray paint. It can last up to two weeks. When N sends me a photo of it after it's peeled off, I'll post it here.

Back Home

We are back from Washington was a busy vacation!  I had a list of things I wanted my family to see...the monuments, Union Station, Ebeneezer's Coffee shop, the National Zoo and botanical gardens adjacent to the Capitol....the last two are things I wanted to see on previous trips to DC but didn't have the time for.  Ebeneezer's coffee house is like a really nice Starbucks with a big basement that is used as a church.  It was formerly a crack house. Mark Batterson is the lead pastor there, and I've read most of his books.  I went to church in the basement on a previous visit.  Our current church is using his a s a model.  We saw the monuments twice; first on a 6 hour daytime tour that included lots of time at the monuments and an hour boat tour of the Potomic River.  We also went on a night tour when the monuments were lit up. 

I love DC trivia...there are no skyscrapers as there is a limit to the height of buildings (no new building may be more than 20 feet taller than the width of the street in front of it, or greater than 130 feet tall).  Because of that, many buildings have multiple levels of basements.  The Pentagon is the largest office building (I believe in the world).  It has 15 stories UNDER the building!  When I worked on Capitol Hill, many buildings had at least 5 underground floors.  Because they can't build up,space in DC is at a premium.  I haven't yet been at a hotel that has a pool.  An acre lot in DC goes for 10 million.  Union station is a train depot that used to be a mecca for the homeless and drug users.  The city remodeled it and now it's akin to a combination mall/train station with many restaurants and shops.  At Union Station there is a replica of the Liberty was replicated to include a typo on the original Liberty Bell...Pennsylvania is spelled with only one N.

We had a bit of time the last day...I had no more that I had wanted my family to see, so I left it up to them to do what they wanted our last half day.  My daughter wanted to go to the National Archive...I'd never thought to go there.  It turned out it was amazing.  We saw the original hand-written Declaration  of Independence.  No computers or typewriters used then.  Pen (feather quill pens) on sheepskin parchment.  We also saw  the original Constitution and Bill of Rights.  I actually saw George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's signatures....Abraham Lincoln had beautiful handwriting! So many signatures of people I've learned of in history classes and books.  It made them seem real, history came to life.

And now I am officially 10 years cancer-free!

Dunava at Folklife

My choir, Dunava, hasn't been singing much in public lately, but we want you to know that yes, Dunava will be part of the 40th annual Northwest Folklife Festival in Seattle next weekend. This year, Folklife has a special focus on Bulgarian music and culture, and since that is right up our alley, we will present a mostly-Bulgarian program this year.

You can see us twice!

Saturday, May 28, from 12:50 - 1:15 p.m., in the Center House Theater (downstairs of the main stage/food court, by the Children's Museum). It's the same venue we've sung in in the past two years, and it gets packed! We definitely recommend coming early to get a seat. We're third in a line-up of four fabulous choirs; the first starts at 11:40 p.m. 

The amazing Bulgarian singer Tzvetanka Varimezova will join us on a couple of songs next weekend at Folklife. She's visiting from L.A. as a special guest of the festival, and as far as I know this is her first time performing in Seattle. We are very excited to have her share the stage with us!

And then, Sunday, May 29, from 3 - 6 p.m., is the "big Bulgarian concert" in Bagley Wright Theater, featuring artists from here and afar: Ruth Hunter, Mary Sherhart, Ethel Raim, Eva & Aurelia ("Ash"), the Radost Folk Ensemble, and Tzvetanka Varimezova and her family. Dunava will sing with Orkestar RTW to accompany the Radost dancers. Radost goes on first, so arrive early to get a seat for the 3 p.m. start.

What a great weekend ahead!

Remember: Folklife is free, but very much relies on the contributions of festival goers. So be sure to drop them a little (or big) contribution when you go, and ensure the longevity and fabulousness of this big event.

Dunava is Dina, Christi, Hila, Jill, Jody, Meg, Meredith, Ramona, Tedy, and Valerie.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Komen Race for the Cure

Okay, I registered for the Komen Race for the Cure. Despite the sea of pink and my issues with Komen's lower of support of research (25% of dollars raised locally) vs. focus on early detection (75%), Rik and I will walk with the Hadassah Heelers on June 5.

You can make a donation on my personal page by clicking here

Almost as soon as I posted the news to Facebook, I got a notice that I had already received one donation! Thank you M for your support. All others: I do really believe that there are better places to donate that fund larger dollar amounts and percentages to breast cancer research for a cure. (See my post Pinktober.) But Komen is the 600 pound gorilla of breast cancer advocacy, and they are worth supporting if indeed they can find a cure.

Especially in time for me to benefit from it.

has anybody seen my boob?

As anyone who has ever been to my house can attest, the place tends to be a total disaster pretty cluttered. We lose stuff all the time, only to find it months or even years later, after it's already been replaced.

But I have to admit that never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd find myself typing this sentence: 

I can't find my prosthetic breast.

We've actually been making some inroads in terms of beating back the clutter. But some rooms are getting worse before they get better. And our bedroom is complete tip.

Now admittedly, I don't wear my prosthesis all that often. But there are days when I want to fly below the radar. There are clothes that just look better when they're symmetrical. And I haven't seen my fake breast for weeks.

Could I have absent-mindedly stuck it in a drawer that I haven't checked?

Could it have become mixed up in the bags of clothing destined for donation?

Could it be under the mounds of clothes yet to be sorted?

Could I have left it somewhere?

It's a mystery.

If you find it, please let me know. 

Or just leave it in my mail box.

Update May 26: We found it! It was in a suitcase. In our bedroom. From a trip on which neither I nor the boob were in attendance. I think I took it off one night and too lazy tired to put it away, popped my bra with the boob still in it, in the open suitcase. Then, the suitcase was closed and left. Three weeks later, when my love finally unpacked - he found my prosthesis. Mystery solved.