Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back To The Chiropractor

Back in December I enlisted the help of a chiropractor to help me get moving. Taxotere had left me too fatigued to do much of anything and so I had become stiff and sore. Back then he helped stretch out some of my leg and shoulder muscles. After Christmas, I was feeling so good I decided to continue on my own. My legs have continued to improve but my shoulders are still weak ... especially my right side where I have lymphedema. My arm has become quite swollen, sore and achy. I sort of equate the achiness to a toothache. It’s always there and makes a person real grumpy. 

So today I stopped in to see the doc. He looked at my lymphedema arm and pointed out some bruising on my elbow. The bruising is caused by the swelling. It didn’t take him long to find the tightness which was actually causing a clicking sound in my elbow. He did some stretching and massaging and gave me some information on applying the kinesthetic tape to my shoulder to help strengthen my rotary cuff. I already use this tape on my lymphedema hand. We also reviewed what exercises I need to be doing to strengthen the muscles in my shoulders.

Get this .. I’ve even decided to cut back on my computer time ... that is a biggy.

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