Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cancer Bitch definitely on the air Thursday, May 10

I will be reading selections from this blog on WBEZ, 91.5 FM, the NPR Chicago affiliate, starting tomorrow morning, Thursday, on the program called 848.I t's on NOT AT 8:48, but between 9 and 10 am; the show is repeated from 8-9 pm. I should be on the first half of the program. The tentative plan is to have my readings every Thursday. We shall see. For those of you out of range, you can listen on-line or at least learn about listening on-line here:
You can always suggest Cancer Bitch to your local NPRstation.
In case you feel moved to tell 848 that you LOVE Cancer Bitch, you can fill out the comment form here:

Thanks for reading.
Shameless yours,

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